Life is Short




晚上无意看到了 Tim Ferriss 刚发的视频,回答了一位网友的提问。

“How do you avoid spending too much time thinking about the inevitability of death, and how do you harness it to empower you rather than scare or overwhelm you?”



答案似乎是否定的,然而 Life is Short,这是一个需要直面的问题。

对于这个问题,Tim Ferriss 的回答如下:

Part of stoicism is meditating on certain inevitabilities and finding freedom in that instead of overwhelm. What does that mean in practice?
I spend an amount of time reminding myself of death, and this sounds more, but it is very valuable to me because it emphasizes the impermanence and a short duration of life that we have, which gives me a sense of urgency to pursue the things that are important, gives me a sense of urgency in having the uncomfortable conversations that are so important in life that can change your life without a sense of urgency.
When you cover your eyes and ears to not think about death. It is easy to push things off to tomorrow until you die and it’s too late and you would have benefited from asking those uncomfortable questions, taking those uncomfortable actions far sooner.


Life Is Short: How to Add a Sense of Urgency
